By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Zebiba Musema Kedir

 Education / by emwa


Zebiba has a background in Law and specialized in International Economic and Business Law (L.L.M) and MA in Development Management. She is the Program Coordinator of Addis Ababa University, Center for Human rights, and Part-time Program Coordinator of U.S. embassy American Spaces, Dire Dawa American Corner. She is also a lecturer and licensed lawyer to practice before any court. Additionally, she is Young African Leadership, Regional Leadership Center (YALI RLC alumni), Mandela Washington Fellowship alumni, Pan African youth Leadership program of the U.S. government, and Meridian International Adult mentor and representative of Ethiopia as nominated by the embassy. She is also a Founder and Executive Director of Female Law Students and Legal Professional Network that works towards UNSDG goal #5 and is the first Public-private High School club that works to improve education quality under UNSDG goal#4 through mentorship and to expand community service amongst high school students.

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