By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Tigist Alemayehu Tiruneh

 Disability / by emwa


Tigist is an advocate on disability inclusion, deaf sign language, deaf culture. She is a deaf advocate. Her deafness has no limitation in her life. Her educational back ground and work experience helped her to be in the disability movement. She has BA degree in Ethiopian sign language and deaf culture and an MA in Special Needs Education from Addis Ababa University. She was the former director of Association of the Deaf (ENAD). She has volunteered to convince the government to give the right for the deaf community to drive cars and succeeded. Since January 2022, she has joined Teki paper bags as a project manager. She has found an NGO to help children living with disabilities through innovative, inclusive education programs. She is now a board member at Light for the World global.

  • Listing ID: 2196
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  • Mobile Number: 251911018104
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