By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Selome Desta Belay

 Gender / by emwa


Selome worked for radio Ethiopia as a reporter, senior editor, and coordinator. In addition, she was co-founder and Coordinator of FM Addis 97.1, the first FM radio station in Ethiopia. She worked for Deutsch Welle in Germany Cologne and Bonn, as a Senior Editor.  Later, she joined Population Media Center (PMC) as Senior Editor and Radio Programs Coordinator. Leaving PMC, she was hired by Global Press Institute (GPI) as Country Editor. Her significant roles were coordinating and giving trainings; translating and preparing training materials on girls’ issues related to media campaigns; and lastly writing and editing scripts posted on GPI’s Newswire. She also worked for Internews as Media Monitoring Expert attached to the Ethiopian Media Authority (EMA). Her role was monitoring broadcasting media before and during the 2021 election period. She also provided guidance to EMA’s media monitors by sharing ideas, and editing their reports. Selome, who received B.A in Foreign Language and Literature from Addis Ababa University has been engaged in gender and media advocacy. She conducted, co-conducted, and coordinated some research and training activities in relation to the media. Currently, she is persisting with this engagement. Her unique passion is participating in volunteer activities. As a member, she worked for the survival of the Ethiopian Media Women Association and the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association. She is participating as a member of the Women’s Health Association of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Women Human Rights Defenders Network, and currently, as President of Soroptimist International Addis Ababa Club.  

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