By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Professor Aster Tsegaye Abebe

 Health, Food Science & Nutrition / by emwa


Aster is a Professor of Immuo-Hematology, at the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences, of Addis Ababa University. She obtained her BSc (Biology, minor Chemistry) and MSc (Zoology) from Addis Ababa University; PhD in HIV Immunology from University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Aster has more than 30 years of experience providing routine clinical laboratory diagnostic services in Hematology, Serology and Immunology laboratories; Research (in the field of Immunology/Hematology, HIV/AIDS and other infectious & non-infectious diseases); Teaching medical laboratory professionals; and Leading/managing Laboratories, Department, School and the largest Teaching Hospital. Her leadership experience include: Head of Hematology Laboratory, Manager of The Ethio-Netherlands AIDS Research Project Laboratory, Research & Training Coordinator of the National HIV Laboratory, Director School of Medical Laboratory Technology, CEO of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, and Dean Sante Medical College during sabbatical leave. She has authored or co-authored about 110 Scientific Publications and has advised/co-advised over 150 graduate students (including 3 completed 8 ongoing PhD students). In collaboration with CDC and the American Society of Clinical Pathology, she has initiated and led the efforts of harmonizing National Medical Laboratory Science curriculum and the writing of Teaching materials for all medical laboratory professional courses. She is currently engaged in bringing more women in science and research through mentoring and providing trainings. She is the recipient of awards for outstanding contribution to the field of Medical Laboratory Science Profession; outstanding contribution in HIV/AIDS training from JHPIEGO; best scientific research from Ethiopian Medical Association (twice), and from College of Health Sciences of AAU, Exemplary Female Researcher from Ministry of Higher Education (MoSHE); Outstanding Female Researcher of CHS, AAU and recognition from Patient Associations (Hemophilia, Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia, Podoconiosis). She is a member Research Committee of African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth); V/Board chair Cancer Care Ethiopia; founder and President of the Society of Ethiopian Women in Science and Technology; Fellow & Executive Board of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.


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