By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Dr. Betelehem Belay Kassa

 Health, Food Science & Nutrition / by emwa


Betelehem is a Pediatric Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician as well as an Assistant professor of Pediatrics and Child Health at Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences, Tikur Anbessa Hospital. She has been serving at various academic/research and clinical as well as management positions throughout her career. She was the head of the Department of Pediatrics and Child health at Haramaya University and worked as a General Practitioner. She also served on several University statutory bodies during her stay at Haramaya University. She is currently serving as the Deputy Head of the Department of Pediatrics and child Health at Addis Ababa University. In addition, she is a board member of the Ethiopian Pediatric Society. She has also been recognized for her community work with the Good Will Medical Mission and the Ethiopian Diabetes Association. She is also a member of the Ethiopian Thoracic society (ETS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS).

  • Listing ID: 2097
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