By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Bethelehem Tenkir Gebresenbet

 Development & Policy / by emwa


Bethelehem has a Master’s Degree from the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, on Development Studies focusing on Theology, Gender and Health. In addition, she has studied for her Masters of Science on Multidisciplinary studies from the State University of New York (SUNY). She is trained Psycho Social issues in Humanitarian settings and acquainted with the Core Humanitarian Standard. She has worked with civil society organizations in project management, implementations and in leadership positions for national and regional NGOs. On the projects she was leading, she has implemented, coordinated the full project cycle including on site evaluations and coaching stakeholders of the projects. Bethelehem has spearheaded one of the biggest projects in Ethiopia called Ethiopian Social Accountability Phase II, which was widely implemented by the World Bank’s Protection of Basic Services (PBS). She had led advocacy campaigns such as the 16 days activism against Gender Based violence using the country’s media and engagements with government and CSOs working on the issue. She had also worked as a lead consultant on the research conducted to identify the potentials of ratifying the Maputo Protocol to Ethiopia’s context. She had also worked as a Gender specialist for UNICEFF’s initiative called “design and manage the Inception phase of the roadmap to realize the London Girls’ Summit Commitment to end Child marriage and FGM/C by 2025”. Bethelehem has been trained on the “Gender in Leadership and Decision making” by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, “Women’s economic, social and cultural rights” by PWESCR, “Gender Responsive Right Based approach” by DEVCO. 

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