By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Hiwote Teshome Gebretsadek

 Environment Conservation / by emwa


Hiwot is well versed in energy related issues including options and protection of the natural resources. Has experience in energy consultancy, promoting biomass and cooking energy. In her more than 25 years’ experience she has developed a leadership quality.  Hiwote has MSc. degree in Renewable Energy from University of Oldenburg, Germany, and BSc. Degree in chemistry from Addis Ababa University. She has also got Diploma on professional Management by following a correspondence course given by Open University of UK in collaboration with A.A Commercial College. She was an International Energy Consultant. Based in Mozambique to support an organization in promoting biomass energy in general and addressing cooking energy aspects. She has specific expertise in the sustainable utilization of natural resources for improved food security through devising strategy for clean energy access (renewable energy resources) and implementation of projects, market development by also assessing the enabling environment of the sector, biomass energy conservation and cooking efficiency improvement and has also undertaken numerous energy studies including baseline surveys, stoves kitchen performance and impact tests plus project monitoring and general impact assessments.

  • Listing ID: 2146
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  • Mobile Number: 251930000772
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