Ledet Teka Befekadu
Law & Human Rights / by emwa
Ledet’s area of expertise includes humanitarian, peace and security currently working on women, peace and security Agenda. She has over 15 years’ experience in various United Nation (UN) entities supporting different organs of the African Union. Prior to UN, she had a chance to work with regional and local organizations including south African think tank Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the media sector. She is an alumni of IPSS Executive Program for Global Studies in Peace and Securities in Africa & has another Masters in Media Peace and Conflict Studies from University of Peace (UPEACE) , Costa Rica. She is member of several initiatives working on conflict prevention and peace making including the African Union Network of Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation (FemWISE).
- Listing ID: 2025
- Email: ledet.teka@gmail.com
- Mobile Number: 251911517318