By emwa — In — May 5, 2023



Tayechalem Girma Moges (PhD)

 Law & Human Rights / by emwa


Tayechalem has PhD in Law from the University of Melbourne, Australia, LLM in Human Rights from  and MA in Gender Studies from Addis Ababa University. Her major training is on human rights, women’s and girls’ rights and gender studies. She has served as assistant Professor, (part-time) at the center for Human Rights, in School of Law and Governance, Addis Ababa University. She was also a project manager for East and Southern Africa in strengthening CSOs for ending child marriages. She also worked in Plan International African Union Liaison Office, and was an independent Consultant on Human Rights and Gender Equality in Sub-Saharan Africa. She served as Project Coordinator in enhancing the voices of Civil Society to end Child Marriage (Coordinating 4 countries – Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi & Zimbabwe- in advocacy project). She also served as a lecturer at School of Law and Governance Studies, Addis Ababa University & Institute of Federalism and Legal Studies and Civil Service University.  She has published research paper on  Counting Absence in Political Equality, a Gender Analysis of the New Electoral Law of Ethiopia, co-author (Publication September 2020); Feminist Research Methodology Training Module, UN Women – Centre for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University (2019); The Regulation of Violence: Child Wives, Custom and the Formal Law in Ethiopia, (2019 publication pending – Frankfurt University/Frobenius Institute). Among her conference Presentations the following can be cited. Preliminary findings of the research Developing a Transformative Human Rights Approach towards the Practice of (girl) Early Marriage in Ethiopia on Human Rights in an Age of Ambiguity Conference hosted by Fordham, University at its Lincoln Center campus, NYC in June 2016. (Published online); Child-Friendly Methods for Engaging children as Research Participants, Research with and For Children.

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